Friday, March 16, 2007

Williams is a baby

While you were secretly so glad it’s snowing so you can’t go running…

With just a little more oxygen...
This 1957 Disney movie imagines what life on mars could be like if there were more oxygen and water on air. Plans that migrate in search of better soil (nomads/hippies)! Plants that feed on other plants (herbivores/cannibals)! Plants that feed on themselves (masochists? The creepy guy in that video who can give himself head? Ewwww, yeah I haven't seen that either). It’s a bit of a stretch. My history professor told us we’re not really supposed to make things up in papers (this after I asked him if I could just speculate on what disease Abigail Adams and the rest of the people at Quincy had, not actually do research and figure it out). But this short is still pretty cool.

Where are you looking?
When viewing photos of people, women look at the face and men “tend to fixate more on areas of private anatomy.” They needed supersonic eye technology to figure this out?

For Lindsey
This is hilarious. Her rendition of this video is actually exactly the same as the real thing.

Ayy it’s me!
This is me battling a terrible case of some sort of bronchitis phlegm disgusting but recording the New York Times podcast with my dad.

This blog is all about realness, so I will be real. I know some fine upstanding citizens who attend Duke, and I like them very much. But when it comes to basketball, I have to yell HEELS HEELS HEELS and cheer for the team of my family for generations, that of ye olde UNC. Duke, this is why you suck (excellent song).

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