Sunday, January 21, 2007

“Where Chili Pepper lights meets Christmas tree lights.”

While you were out at BYOB Indian down town playing Never Have I Ever until they had to physically remove you, I was…oh wait…that was me. Anyway, today is a slow news day apparently (clearly I use the word “news” quite loosely).

Lady Sovereign is going on tour w/ Gwen Stefani
This should be so cool, I’m so excited! Well, now that I think about, there is no way I will end up going to this a)because I’m in school in the middle of nowhere, CT, and b)because I’m lazy and would never coordinate getting myself to this. But it looks fun.

Nick Lachey to get married to Vanessa Millanesemayomilan in Mexico
Why there? Because they fell in love in Mexico. Kids, you’re young, or at least Vanessa is. If anyone knows, I know that sometimes you can mistake feelings of excitement for love, especially when you’re in spring break in Cabo and some guy from U Texas promises you the world, or at least some of the all inclusive drinks “on him,” which still doesn’t make sense. Good times. Anyway, point being, just be sure by “I want to love you forever” (OOOOOOOH JESSICAAAAAAAAA) you don’t mean “I want to do you in the hotel pool.” Because that would be a wacky mix up!!!!!

Nerds are HILARIOUS.
Guy measures how big the land mass in World Of Warcraft would be in real life. I said would be, because IT ISN’T REAL. If the idea of someone actually taking the time to do this wasn’t so deeply saddening, It would be funny. Wait, I take that back. It is hilarious.

Why not dress like a Grandma?
There can be no proper introduction for this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Nick Lachey to get married to Vanessa Millanesemayomilan in Mexico"

Wow dude you seriously need to get a life. Does anyone really care about this crap? Try going outside every once in a while.