Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Putting your boyfriends to shame, one Viagra fueled boner at a time.

Or, How Kendra Met Hef.

Sorry, I love you Kendra and The Girls Next Door is like my favorite show. Every time I turn on the tv, I switch to E! and cross my fingers whispering “girls next door girls next door,” and because it’s usually a toss-up between that and some shit featuring tacky E! reporters groveling at the feet of celebrities, I’m not usually disappointed.

“I first met Hef while I was being body-painted for his 78th birthday party. Before our first date, Hef asked me to move in and live as one of his girlfriends.”

Everything about this is a hilarious hilarious joke. Body painted? 78th? BEFORE the first date? I can’t really complain though. I met my last boyfriend at a rugby party, where I watched guys funnel beer and sing “there’s a lady in red and she likes to give me head/ there’s a lady in blue and she likes it in the poo.”

1 comment:

juicebox said...

I LOVE THE GIRLS NEXT DOOR MORE THAN LIFE ITSELF. kendra sucks though she's totes the worst one, but i think she'd be better if she reversed the colors of her skin and hair (think about it: her hair is way too light and her skin is way too dark aka tanned and looks like leather).