Friday, February 9, 2007

Zooma Zooma

Last night, life came together in the form of the greatest game of all time, Zooma Zooma. Screaming, banging on the table, c4, dumie dumie bootsie bootsie, reality.

In case you were wondering....
I know I talk a lot about my behavior at the CEO's and Secretary Ho's party, but that's only because it's so representative of...something. Anyway, in the spirit of Best Week Ever's In Case You Missed It, here's something that might shed some light on this mysterious event.

And in no way is that depressing...
Valentine’s day is coming up…and even dead people of the Neolithic Era are having a more romantic time than I am about to. Unless by romantic you include olin, Lean Pockets, and soul crushing self doubt, in which case count me in for a day of l-u-v.

Walk it off Wes
Hats? Check
Nasty choreography? Check
Reality? Checks unlimited.

Further proof that Bridget from The Girls Next Door is actually in third grade
“I thought Wednesday’s birthday party went really good, and the dogs seemed to have a lot of fun, except Archie and Little Foot. They weren’t having it. I think it was too immature for them” A PARTY. FOR A DOG. AND EVEN THE DOG THINKS IT’S MORONIC.
"My theme this year for the easter egg party was peeps! I dressed up as the easter bunny!"
Just seeing her in a huge easter bunny costume running after her traumatized puppy with outstretched arms screaming “Winnie Winnie!!!!!!!” is a life-changing experience. In that I now know I need to change my life and stop watching this woman. Also, she’s dressed in the costume but they’re all just sitting around the table—NO ONE ELSE IS WEARING A COSTUME, THUS RENDERING IT IMPOSSIBLE FOR IT TO BE A COSTUME PARTY.
Fuck it, just fuck it.

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