Friday, January 19, 2007


Today has been a very sad day. While you were flipping out over whether Stephen Colbert is French or Irish, this blog piece of shit went completely out of its gord and deleted like everything I ever wrote. Also, Montell Williams doesn't want Notebook Girls on the show, apparently because they found some "real" celebrities or whatever. Anyway, here's some stuff for you (me).

A few of my favorite things: dead guys and popcorn
Orville Redenbacher brought back from the dead to be in an ad by the use of a stand-in and special effects. If only they could use something similar to revive celebrities’ careers. Who would you like to see make a comeback? My pick is making the band two’s Chompers.

In other tales from the crypt…
James Brown still isn’t buried, and he’s being kept in some freaky temperature controlled room. Between this and Orvie Redz, zombie queens must be over the moon.

Some of my favorite things:
toast, eating toast, vaguely phallic objects that make toast.

Gov guide to destroying these old costumes
If only we could use these tips on our boyfriends' clothes, am I right girls, am I right?
I am so alone right now.

1 comment:

juicebox said...

the last link made me lol.
you're not alone anymore.