Monday, January 29, 2007

Fuck this, I'm in the library

I'm sorry, I cannot possibly begin to care about the title of this post.
Apparently neither can anyone else.

Iguana’s penis removed
Penis amputated after suffering w/ a week long erection.
The jokes just write themselves—but they're working overtime and I don't know which to pick. This is definitely an am I right girls, am I right, situation. But here we encounter a crossroads:
a)There are plenty of guys I know who might service the Wesleyan population best if they had a similar operation, am I right girls, am I right?
b)Week long erection? If only some of the guys I know had that problem, am I right girls, am I right?
Point being, clearly this lizard was getting more action than I was last week, and in no way is that depressing. Oh wait. Yes, yes it is.

Why I'm glad my parents never got a camcorder.
Omgzz this is so painful/hilarious

The biggest waves I’ve ever seen
I don’t have anything else to say. This shit is insane.

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